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Beware WhatsApp Crash Messages! You Can Do This!


    If you are using WhatsApp application on your devices, especially Android, then you should be very careful as a WhatsApp hang message link is creating issues. Yes, you read it right. A new link circulating on WhatsApp can crash your WhatsApp application, including WhatsApp business. This link can make your app unresponsive and exploit vulnerabilities or bugs. But don’t worry, in this guide, we will tell you everything about WhatsApp hang message link and how you can fix it. Continue reading the article to find out about WhatsApp crash messages.

    Part 1. What is the Bug that Crashes WhatsApp Chat?

    WhatsApp hang message link is a new WhatsApp bug that can crash your application immediately after you open it. This link wa.me/settings can make your application unresponsive, so you won’t be able to send or receive the messages. Also, you won’t be able to do anything on your mobile devices. Normally, the above link redirects you to WhatsApp settings, and disturb your Android version settings, which in a result, crashes the application.

    whatsapp crash link

    Not only does it affect individuals, but the groups can also be disturbed by it. But the question is, which devices are affected by this bug? The good news is that only Android users using Android version of WhatsApp are affected by this bug. That means iPhone users don’t have to worry about it.

    WhatsApp hang message link was first reported by a Twitter user @pandyaMayur11, who is also a Security Researcher. According to him, after opening the link, his WhatsApp app started to crash, and he couldn’t do anything until he removed the link using the WhatsApp web.

    Part 2. How to Solve WhatsApp Crash Messages?

    If WhatsApp message link crashes your application and you don’t know how to fix this issue, don’t worry. Below, we have mentioned some top ways that you can use to stop it. This link can be bad for your Application, so it is a good idea to delete it immediately. But the question is how to delete it, or is there any way to prevent your WhatsApp from crashing? We advise you to remove this problematic message from your chat history. Continue reading the article to find out the ways to solve WhatsApp crash messages.

    1. Delete the Link Using WhatsApp Web

    If you are worried about the WhatsApp hang message link, we recommend deleting the link using the WhatsApp web. Yes, the best way to fix this issue is by removing it from your chat history. Since you can’t open your mobile application, go to WhatsApp web and complete the login process. Once you are logged in, look for the chat where you got this link and remove it immediately. Hopefully, this will fix the WhatsApp crash problem.

    2. Restart Your WhatsApp

    If you have received WhatsApp crash message today and, even after deleting it, you are unable to fix the issue, we suggest restarting your WhatsApp application. Restarting the app will definitely resolve your problem. To do that, follow the steps below.

    • Open your Android Settings and look for the Apps & Notifications option.
    • Choose Apps info to check all your applications.
    • Now, look for WhatsApp application on the list.
    • Click on Force Stop to close your WhatsApp application and relaunch it again after a few seconds.

    3. Clear WhatsApp Cache

    If the app is still crashing even after deleting WhatsApp hang message, then clear your WhatsApp cache. Android devices store some data to improve the application performance, but sometimes, it can stop your application from working properly. So, it is recommended to clear the cache so that your WhatsApp can work normally. You can easily clear the cache from the Storage & Cache option.

    Part 3. Don’t Ever Try to Crash Someone’s WhatsApp!

    Crashing someone’s WhatsApp is not a good idea as it is illegal and ethically wrong as well. Also, it is difficult to crash someone’s device if they are using the latest version of WhatsApp. However, if you think that someone is trying to crash your WhatsApp by sending special characters and wa.me/settings link, then report them to WhatsApp and block them immediately.

    Part 4. How to Backup WhatsApp Messages in Case You Lost Them!

    If you have lost your WhatsApp messages, then it would be a great idea to backup them. And for that, what could be better than using iToolab WatsGo – Best Way Back up WhatsApp? This application can easily backup and restore WhatsApp messages from one device to another. Also, it supports multiple devices, whether they are old or new. In case you are worried about data loss and want to immediately backup your crucial data, follow the steps below.

    Step 1. Download iToolab WatsGo application and launch it on your PC. Once it is launched, click the “WhatsApp Backup” option.

    select whatsapp backup feature

    Step 2. Connect your Android to your PC and choose the Android device that you want to backup.

    select android device to backup watsgo

    Step 3. Next, turn on the end-to-end encrypted WhatsApp backup option. You can follow the instructions on the screen to do that. Ensure to save the 64-digit passcode, which you will have to enter many times.

    enable whatsapp backup enryption

    Step 4. Once you have enabled end-to-end encrypted backup, the app will generate your WhatsApp backup.

    start to obtain whatsapp backup

    Step 5. Next, you have to enter the 64-digit password to verify the process. You can also enter your phone number for the verification process.

    verify whatsapp account

    Step 6. Soon, the app will successfully backup your WhatsApp data, which you can transfer to other devices.

    backup whatsapp android successfully

    If you have got the WhatsApp crash message today and don’t know what should be done, don’t panic because it can be resolved easily. You can use the WhatsApp web and delete the crash WhatsApp message. This process will stop your application from crashing. Moreover, you can also backup your WhatsApp data using iToolab WatsGo if you are worried about data loss.

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