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How Long Does It Take to Restore from iCloud


    A lot of iPhone users have complained that the iCloud restore process never completes. It may be necessary to know how long does it take to restore from iCloud if you think that the restore is taking too long.

    In this article, we will take a look at how long the restoration process should take.

    Let’s get started.

    How Long Does It Take to Restore from iCloud?

    Usually, it takes about 1 to 4 hours per gigabyte to restore data from an iCloud backup. But the time can vary greatly depending on several factors which is why even Apple may not be able to give an exact duration for the update.

    The exact time it takes to restore the device will depend on the amount of data in the backup and how stable the Wi-Fi network you are using is. There are however several things you can do to speed up the process including:

    • Close all the apps that may be running in the background.
    • Clean your device by removing some of the unnecessary apps and data on the device.
    • You should also check your Wi-Fi network to make sure that you are using a stable and reliable network.
    • Make sure that the device is charged up to 60% because you don’t want your device to power off during the restore process.

    How Long Does It Take to Restore from iCloud

    How to Check Progress of iCloud Restore on iPhone or iPad

    It is also possible to check the progress of an iCloud Restore on the iPhone or iPad. Follow these simple steps to do it:

    Step 1: Open the Settings app from the Home screen of your device.

    Step 2: Tap on your name at the top of the Settings and then select “iCloud”.

    Step 3: Tap on “iCloud Backup”.

    Step 4: Under the “Stop Restoring [Device]” section, you should see the amount of data remaining.

    Stop Restoring

    It is a good idea to let the restore process complete, even if you think that it is taking too long. Stopping the restore process before completion can cause permanent data loss.

    How to Speed Up Restore from iCloud

    But there are things you can do to speed up the restore process. They include the following:

    Free Up Space

    One of the best ways to get the iCloud restore process to go faster it to free up space on the device. Remove unwanted or unnecessary data from the device since a bogged down memory actually causes all processes on the device to significantly slow down including the restore. You may also want to free up some space on iCloud. You get up to 5GB on the free plan, but you can purchase additional space if you need it.

    Free Up Space

    Optimize Internet Connection

    A stable Wi-Fi connection will go a long way in speeding up the process of restoring the device. As we have already seen, the quality of the connection you’re using will affect the restore process. If you think that the network you are using is not strong enough, you may want to connect the device to a stronger network.

    Optimize Internet Connection

    But we must reiterate that it is very important to complete the restore process to avoid losing data on the device.

    Home > Tips > How Long Does It Take to Restore from iCloud
    Dave has been writing about tech for five years, covering a range of topics including phones, tablets, tutorials, and reviews.

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